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Action, Drama; Score 260135 Vote; ; actor Jude Law; Country United Arab Emirates; Review Beth Emhoff (Gwenyth Paltrow) returns from a business trip to Hong Kong with a stop over at the Chicago airport, where she has sex with her former lover. Beth feels ill, but thinks the problem is jet leg. She travels back home to Minneapolis and spreads the virus to her son Clark and her husband, Mitch. When Beth and Clark die, Mitch goes in quarantine where the doctors realise he is immune to the mysterious virus. Meanwhile in Hong Kong, London and in a small province, cases of the mystery illness are cropping up, as the American CDC and the World Health Organization give their best effort researching the virus. A race against the clock begins, as the virus is spreading in a geometric progression, and if no solution is found - very fast - humanity will cease to be

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Movie Info: After an elegant nuptial ceremony at the lavish manor of the uber-wealthy Le Domas clan, the gentle groom, Alex Le Domas, informs his blissful young bride, Grace, that the ceremony is far from over yet, and there"s still a long night ahead of them. Before long, as part of a macabre long-standing family tradition, Grace will have to play a seemingly innocent game, and hide somewhere in the vast mansion"s cavernous halls and labyrinthine corridors, until dawn. Now, whether Grace is ready or not, the armed-to-the-teeth Domases are coming for her, and it"s going to get ugly. Will the newlywed quarry survive the relentless onslaught of the nasty in-laws from Hell?

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Because of it"s detail of Howard"s life, some parts end up feeling bloated, uneeded
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Adam Sandler delivers a stellar performer as New York Diamond District Jeweler: Howard. Howard is in way over his head. In debt to multiple tough guys, in bed with one of his at least 20 years younger employees, and on the brink of a divorce with a court date TBD. Oh and he might have colon cancer. He"s robbing Peter to pay Paul, and borrowing from Tim to pay a bookie and taking money owed to him and placing large bets on NBA games.
The constant elevation of tension and stakes is almost nauseating, seeing just how bad and convoluted things get for Howard is mesmerizing. And Sandler embodies it without a hitch. Sandler hasn"t been this convincing to me since Punch Drunk Love. I was absolutely entranced by his character. His physicality, his accent, his delivery. It blew me away.
The Safdie Brothers have crafted a film that feels so authentic, so real, the audio is not theatrical, it feels like life as it"s often hard to make sense of the dialogue when you have five people yelling at each other, two phones ringing, and music in the background. It"s a very fly on the wall approach and works perfectly.
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Average Rating=8,4 of 10 Star. country=USA. writer=Josh Safdie. runtime=2 hours 15 M. Release year=2019. resume=From acclaimed filmmakers Josh and Benny Safdie comes an electrifying crime thriller about Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler), a charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score. When he makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime, Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides, in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win

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He was given a chance at reinventing himself as an "actor for grown-ups" with Punch-Drunk Love, I suppose, but that was still a take on his familiar idiot-character (albeit a much better, more sympathetic, and more three-dimensional take) and he still found his way back to Happy Madison potty humor. After the Safdie brothers" Uncut Gems, however, he might just get to play with the big boys full-time and even score his first Oscar.

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Average ratings: 5,4 of 10 Star; Runtime: 90 minute; Colin Krisel; 2020; score: 417 Votes; country: USA

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Voldemort become king"s man... ??. F9 was the only one that made me go wtf. 11:16 i just swore in more ways than i knew how. The mystery of the soul... Ultraaaaaa. Music Fest. Very nice song. Mario Ochoa brought me here. Ultra Music Festival 2017 brought me here! gut song. Remember when Fast and Furious used to be about street racing. 8:46 doesnt matter he"s john cena you cant see him.

Fast and furious series always??. Beautiful love making song. Problem is with all new Fast and Furious films that they have to be crazier than the last one. Dumb how they mimicked the original top gun. Iconic scenes to dude looking like goose. ? ? ? ? ?. Been living in Union Bridge for 25 years, hope it"s a good movie. Eargasm. Awwww. I grew up in that area. FSK high is my alma mater. Its cool to see it again. 07:32 Fast and Furious 9. "I saw something that I wasn"t suppose to see. Me, well I saw 2020"s Last Moment of Clarity and I initially didn"t know where it was headed.
Anyway, Last Moment of Clarity is a ratcheted and calculated thriller that takes about fifty or so minutes to thrill. It"s a shadowy film about a guy named Sam who is led to believe his girlfriend was murdered three years ago by accented mobsters. When Sam sees squeeze Georgia on the big screen a la the eighth lead, he goes to sunny LA because he thinks she"s still alive.
Sam is played by the brooding Zach Avery while Georgia is played by Margot Robbie lookalike Samara Weaving (Hugh Weaving"s niece. Brian Cox who"s well-known in any capacity, checks in as a fatherly side character.
So yeah, Last Moment of Clarity is directed by Colin Krisel and James Krisel (it doesn"t say if they are brothers or not. These guys were obviously inspired by dudes like Mike Figgis and the legendary Steven Soderbergh.
Using flashbacks, dark cinematography, a romantic twist, and low angles where the camera never seems to sit still, Colin and James give us a disciplined directorial debut that takes a little while to get going. Heck, you think "Clarity" is a drama that takes itself too seriously until it doesn"t.
Distributed by Lionsgate and rated R for some bloody images (and a few F-bombs) Last Moment of Clarity is slight neo-noir that"s bemused at the beginning yet unfolding at the end. I liked almost every sullen shot used by the Krisels and I pretty much dug the entire musical score (when it was put in at the right moments. Hopefully, Last Moment of Clarity will not be the "last" time Colin and James Krisel decide to helm a tenebrous flick. Rating: 3 stars.

Very nice. Magical track. Oooh looks creepy! Very excited for this. Love this want to dance all nite.


20:00 Jungle Cruise. Is there this clip without the flashing logo. The Kings Man, i.e. we screwed up so bad on the sequel to the first that the third will be set in the past before we messed everything up.



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